Welcome to The Small Business Owners Club. 


Our mission is to help small business owners just like you to navigate common challenges by providing clear and practical advice over a range of topics.


Like many business owners, you probably started as self-employed in your field of expertise because you’re great at what you do. You were probably in an employed role in that same industry.  You hit the ground running with your business and started offering your services and doing it really well.  


You then start to realise that there is more to being self-employed than you first thought. Having to complete tasks in your business such as invoicing, bookkeeping, paying your own taxes, having your own insurance and creating a website or social media.  These are often tasks that get overlooked because you don’t necessarily have any experience or knowledge in ever dealing with them before. These tasks soon start to take their toll and the overwhelm and self-doubt kicks in.


Are you losing sleep over worrying about your tax bill or cash flow? 

Do you know what expenses are tax deductible and which aren’t? 

Have you made a job for yourself by needing to work long hours to get everything done?


All of these questions arise as a small business owner and you can’t possibly know the answer to everything, especially when it comes to finances which aren’t necessarily your area of expertise.


The amount of admin that comes with running a business can be daunting and overwhelming but we’re here to support you by giving you tips, advice and support.

Mum in business